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Saturday, 25 June 2011

Week Two - Ch 2 - Be Clear Why You're Here

Life purpose.  I've always known that along life's path I wanted to help others.  I love to teach.  I really believe I was born to teach.  I love to speak.  I also believe I was born to speak.  When I was working as an education facilitator in the insurance industry I was paid a good salary to do both.  So... for all of you out there who love to tease me about being a "talker" and that I "talk too much".... IN YOUR FACE!  Hoo ya!

Where I struggle is keeping a focus on what my life purpose is.  Several years ago, I wrote a mission statement for my life.  That first attempt came as a result of reading and trying to apply principles from Steven Covey's Book "7 Habits of Highly Effetive People".  Since then I have modified my mission statement (life purpose) a couple of times.

I read through the exercise that Canfield provides in Chapter 2.  He is right to point out that there are different techniques or exercises to help one determine 1) what their life's purpose is (or why they are here), and 2) how to put it into a simple sentence or two.  I didn't actually like the exercise Jack chose for this chapter but that doesn't mean it wouldn't work for others.  Maybe it didn't appeal to me because I have experience in developing and writing my mission statement and through reading and previous self-reflection, I have a good understanding, or at least I think I do, of some of my special skills that God blessed me with, and what I really love to do.... which is to teach others what I have learned myself.  I truly desire to help other people.  This whole blog goes beyond helping just me to become a better and more successful person as I hope it will inspire others to do the same.

During some reading I did this week I stumbled upon a quote by John Quincy Adams that spoke to me.
  If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are  a leader.

I took that quote and reduced it to a simple sentence which has now become my revised mission statement or life purpose.  TO INSPIRE OTHERS TO DO MORE, BE MORE AND HAVE MORE.

Now, I just need to put that into practice ..... day in and day out.  I know it will not be easy, but the whole purpose of this project is to change myself so that I can live my highest life and live with purpose and meaning.  The second purpose is to help others do the same.

I hope to hear from all of you out there (all 3 of you so far) as to what your life purpose is and if you  have a written mission statement.

PS.   I have set a goal of having 100 followers.  Please feel free to invite anyone you think might be interested to follow my blog.  Love and peace.

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