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Saturday 2 July 2011

Week Three - Looking Back

As I end Week 3 of this 52 week project I can honestly say that I am making progress.  I'm not yet wealthy, I'm not yet successful, and I still carry the extra weight on my body...... but I feel an improvement in my life.  I feel an improvement in my attitude, in my optimism, in my faith.  Although little has changed from an outward appearnce, I feel there has been a big change in my inner self.

As I continued to work on my lists of 30 things I'd like to Do, Have and Be (I'm still not finished) I found myself struggling with the BE part.  What do I want to BE?  As I pondered that it came to me that the BE part is my character.  I need to outline the type of person I want to be.  I needed to work on the attributes of the successful person.  So my list has begun with 1)  Be True To My Word, 2)  Be Honest, 3)  Be Humble, 4) Be Grateful...... and I continue to expand the list from there.  This recognition of what I desire to BE has been a big AHA moment for me.  I must model the qualities of a successful person..... at least successful as I define it.  The HAVE and DO list covers off the materials desires of my heart, but in order to achieve them, I must first become the person I need to BE!

So.... what has happened in the last 3 weeks besides the above awakening I had?  I have received a new job offer.  One that offers opportunity for advancement.  My depression has lifted.  I am once again enjoying each day.  I have really begun to focus on gratitude, giving thanks multiple times through the day.  And I have recognized that I am responsible for all that manifests in my life.  I have realized that nasty things do happen... I can't stop them.  But what I can control and be responsible for is how I react to them.  If I react badly, things will get worse.  If I react positively I will draw more positive things back to me.   Sounds so easy doesn't it?   But I know that when one is under stress, we revert to our natural behaviors, which in my case have not served me well in the past.  So I must continue to focus on the BE part of my lists to develop the behaviors I desire to have so that I can react appropriately to every situation.... both good and bad.

I'm feeling pretty good about this project.  I'm beginning to get a glimpse of what is possible and it is only Week 3!!!!  Is anyone out there going to join me in this journey??  Anyone else up to taking this project on themselves?  I can't help but feel I am at a pivitol point in my life, where the last third of my life is going to be the best part of my whole life.  I just need to continue to do the work.... the Inner-Vention.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Week Three - Ch 3 - Decide What You Want

What do I want?  There lays the million dollar question.  Words that come to mind are happiness, security and peace.  But I know I need to be more specific.  What would make me happy?  What would make me feel secure?  What would bring me peace?  Those are the questions I need to answer.

An exercise provided with this chapter is to make a list of  "30 things you want to do, 30 things you want to have, and 30 things you want to be before you die".  My first instinct was to make a list of the luxuries most of us dream of..... a new BMW Convertible, my dream house, a bank account with a hefty balance (the type that doesn't have a - (minus) in front of it), various locations in the world I want to travel to such as Paris, Greece, Italy...  all the stuff we typically like to dream of having or doing.  What I foud difficult however, is coming up with 30 things in each category.  What I found the most difficult was finding things in the BE category.  What do I want to BE?  I think this question really gets us to the place of being able to define Success as we each think it to be.  Who do I need to BE in order to be successful?

I have a project management book that I found in a Wal Mart store somewhere and I have decided to use that as my goals book.  A place to outline and track my goals and progress towards achieving those goals.  My first step was to attempt to create the list of 90 things I want to do, have or be.  This, I can see, is a work in progress as I really need to think about this.  I need to approach it from the aspect of if time and money were not an issue standpoint.  I need to allow myself to dream big dreams as Canfield encourages us to do in this chapter.  I also need to get myself to a place where I "stop settling for less than I want" as instructed in this weeks reading.

I have a lot to ponder.........

Saturday 25 June 2011

Week Two - Ch 2 - Be Clear Why You're Here

Life purpose.  I've always known that along life's path I wanted to help others.  I love to teach.  I really believe I was born to teach.  I love to speak.  I also believe I was born to speak.  When I was working as an education facilitator in the insurance industry I was paid a good salary to do both.  So... for all of you out there who love to tease me about being a "talker" and that I "talk too much".... IN YOUR FACE!  Hoo ya!

Where I struggle is keeping a focus on what my life purpose is.  Several years ago, I wrote a mission statement for my life.  That first attempt came as a result of reading and trying to apply principles from Steven Covey's Book "7 Habits of Highly Effetive People".  Since then I have modified my mission statement (life purpose) a couple of times.

I read through the exercise that Canfield provides in Chapter 2.  He is right to point out that there are different techniques or exercises to help one determine 1) what their life's purpose is (or why they are here), and 2) how to put it into a simple sentence or two.  I didn't actually like the exercise Jack chose for this chapter but that doesn't mean it wouldn't work for others.  Maybe it didn't appeal to me because I have experience in developing and writing my mission statement and through reading and previous self-reflection, I have a good understanding, or at least I think I do, of some of my special skills that God blessed me with, and what I really love to do.... which is to teach others what I have learned myself.  I truly desire to help other people.  This whole blog goes beyond helping just me to become a better and more successful person as I hope it will inspire others to do the same.

During some reading I did this week I stumbled upon a quote by John Quincy Adams that spoke to me.
  If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are  a leader.

I took that quote and reduced it to a simple sentence which has now become my revised mission statement or life purpose.  TO INSPIRE OTHERS TO DO MORE, BE MORE AND HAVE MORE.

Now, I just need to put that into practice ..... day in and day out.  I know it will not be easy, but the whole purpose of this project is to change myself so that I can live my highest life and live with purpose and meaning.  The second purpose is to help others do the same.

I hope to hear from all of you out there (all 3 of you so far) as to what your life purpose is and if you  have a written mission statement.

PS.   I have set a goal of having 100 followers.  Please feel free to invite anyone you think might be interested to follow my blog.  Love and peace.

Friday 17 June 2011

Week One - Ch 1 - Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life

Okay...... I get it.  My life is a result of the choices I have made in the past.  I ate the food.... I spent the money ...... I trusted the guy ........  I am responsible.  I just haven't taken responsibility.  In most instances I have done the usual blaming of others for my circumstances.  I have accepted some responsibility, but certainly not 100%.  Realistically, after reading this chapter it has probably been more like 10%.  But it is so much easier to blame the other person.  Looking inward is a painful experience.  It is humbling and my ego fights back.  And my ego is big, bold and ugly!  My quiet spiritual inner voice doesn't stand a chance going up against such a monstrosity as my ego.  So it is time to let go and listen to my spirit..... or my inner voice ....... or whatever label one would put on this hidden part of who I am.  I have actually kept it so well hidden that it is a challenge to find it and get in touch again.

Here's the big problem..... the one I have to conquer.  This is my mountain.  I have to give up BLAMING and give up COMPLAINING.  So on the top of my To-Do list for tomorrow is a visit to Canadian Tire so that I can buy a big roll of duct tape to tape my mouth shut!  That's part of the solution....... but most of my blaming and complaining is done in my head.  Not sure how to tape that thought process shut.

What I understand from the copious amounts of reading I have done, is if you want to change a bad habit you need to replace it with a good habit.  I will conmmit to working on the blaming/complaining that is securely lodged in my conscious mind by starting and keeping a Gratitude Journal.  I will replace the B&C with journaling prayers of thankfulness.  I will use my journal to focus on all the good I have in my life, and even in the dire circumstances I find myself in, I still have a lot to be thankful for.  I have good friends that continue to support me through all the dumb decisions and choices I have made, I have a daughter I adore, I have a sister I would walk on hot coals for, I have my health, I have food on the table and a roof over my head.  I am doing much much better than the majority of people in this world.

The interesting this about this first chapter in Canfield's book that I realize by accepting 100% responsibility for your life, that means one must be cognizant of their actions, thoughts and choices.  Just getting to that point could possibly be enough to guarantee success in life.   We'll see.    Stay tuned.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Does Jack Canfield really know the Secret of Success?

I am an addict.  I'm not your typical addict.  I am not an alcoholic.  I don't smoke.  I don't have a problem with drugs.  I am a Self-Help addict.

If you were to come by my home and look at my bookshelves, you would see almost every well known Self-Development and Weight Loss book on the market.... and some that may even be out of print by now.  Yet in spite of this library of knowledge, I am still 30 lbs overweight and haven't found the secret of success.... at least I haven't found the success part.

Are you like me in that every time you buy one of these types of books, you get an endorphine rush just thinking about how much better your life is now going to be because you bought "the" book that is going to help you become a millionaire, lose weight, get fit, and live the life of your dreams?  At this point, my retirement plan would look much better if I had invested the $20-40 per book I have spent in an investment account or even an RRSP. 

But, don't get me wrong.  I believe that most of these books have excellent messages and are based on sound principles.  The problem is reading them doesn't automatically translate into success.  The problem is it sounds easy but is very difficult to actually live day in and day out.  Do you know what I mean?  I will buy whatever the newest must-read self-help book is on the market and sometimes I will even read it to the very end.  See... even the follow through to get right to the end of the book is often a problem for me!  With that said, however, I have read quite a few of them.  Just not all of them.  I have realized that buying and even reading the book is not going to improve my life.   I actually have to take steps to implement the recommended changes into my life.  Not just for a day, or a week or a month.... but day in, day out... every day.... forever.  I have to consciously decide each day to live the principles.  Not to crumble as soon as I have a bad day, or give up when I don't see immediate results.  I must believe what I believe and live it..... or as Jack says, "Act as If"!

So, what does it take to make change.  I believe it takes the following.
1)  A Goal
2)  Accountability
3)  Motivation

So here goes.  What is my goal?  My goal is to work my way through Jack Canfield's Book "The Success Principles" within the next year.  I will read one chapter each week (re-reading the chapter daily) and attempt to put into practice the success prinicple discussed in the chapter.  Since there are 64 principles and only 56 weeks, I will double up on the last few chapters in order to complete the project in a year,

What about accountability?  That is what this blog is all about.  I will share with you my successes and failures.  I will allow all of you.... whoever you may be.... to hold me accountable.  I commit to posting a minimum of 2 blogs per week updating you on what I have read, what my thoughts are, and what changes, if any, I am seeing my life. 

Motivation?  Well, as mentioned, I am 30 lbs overweight and broke.  I want the life of my dreams.  I want everything that I believe is possible.  I want what we all want.  To be secure, happy and confident.  Can this be learned from a book?  We'll see.  Join me, if you will, on this journey.  Lord knows, we all need cheerleaders!
Til next time......

Deb (the Inner-Ventionist)